foto: Ambassade Royale de Norvège à Paris

Reinforced French-Norwegian partnership for carbon capture, utilization and storage

Publisert: 18. januar 2024

On January 16th, 2024, The French Club CO2 and The Norwegian CCUS Association, part of Polytechnic Society, reinforced the MoU at The French-Norwegian Green Industry Forum, in Paris. The ambition is to address the challenges, opportunities, and priorities for strengthened bilateral cooperation between France and Norway on carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) solutions. This climate technology is crucial to limit the climate change crisis, and the MoU-partners focuse on joint projects and regulatory frameworks to enhance speed of deployment. The French-Norwegian Green Industry Forum was organized by Innovation Norway, chambre de Commerce Franco-Norvégienne, the Norwegian Embassy in Paris and Ambassade de France en Norvège.

Norwegian Minister of Trade and Industry, Jan Christian Vestre endorses the continuation of the French-Norwegian partnership, stating that «The French-Norwegian strategic partnership on green industrial transformation can pave the way for the establishment of new green industries and jobs, improve energy security and further circular economy. A structured dialogue on CCUS to facilitate matchmaking between French and Norwegian businesses is one of the workstreams highlighted in the text. I am certain The French Club CO2 and the Norwegian CCUS Association will remain key partners in the further development of the French-Norwegian CCS cooperation.»

«On behalf of Club CO2, I confirm the importance of the collaboration between France and Norway to boost the deployment of solutions for green industry, such as CO2 carbon capture and storage. The Club CO2 and the Norwegian CCUS Association will reinforce their collaboration to share experiences and accelerate the development of CCS projects», says Florence Delprat-Jannaud, President of French Club CO2.

During The French-Norwegian Green Industry Forum, Imran Abdul-Majid, President of the Norwegian CCUS Association, shared «The objective of the Norwegian CCUS Association is to bring industry players together, promote cooperation and work towards policy instruments. So really trying to make sure how you actually create a new pathway as well. Norway has been contributing and actively studying in the area of carbon storage for decades.» He continues, «…there are a lot of exciting aspects happening with regards to the capture facilities, the transport, and the storage. And in many ways, of course, everybody is focusing their eyes to try to see how this storage can be kick-started in a way that can actually become available for our friends here.»

The French-Norwegian Green Industry Forum was organized by Innovation Norway, chambre de Commerce Franco-Norvégienne, the Norwegian Embassy in Paris and Ambassade de France en Norvège. In addition to CCUS, the forum focused on solar energy, batteries, raw materials, ocean space technologies and offshore wind. More than 200 French and Norwegian policy makers, companies and financial institutions attended The French-Norwegian Green Industry Forum in Paris, including members of the Norwegian Polytechnic Society; Aker Solutions, DNV, Equinor, FREYR, Hydro, Statkraft and Technip/KANFA.

Photo (from left): Florence Delprat-Jannaud, President, Club CO2, Jan Christian Vestre, Norway’s Minister of Trade and Industry, and Imran Abdul-Majid, President, the Norwegian CCUS Association.

Please contact the Board of the Norwegian CCUS Association for more information current and future activities.