Foto: NTB Kommunikasjon / Statsministerens kontor, Chul Christian Aamodt, Anna-Julia Granberg BLUNDERBUSS, Oslo Cancer Cluster, DNV, NORCE Publisert: 04.04.2024

Oslo Innovation Week: Pioneering good health with AI

26. september 2024 kl. 15:00 - 17:00

Rosenkrantz' Gate 7, 0159 Oslo (inngang fra Kristian IVs gate)

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With AI fast approaching peak hype, we are stepping into the thrilling intersection of artificial intelligence and healthcare, and how AI improves and saves lives.

Join the Norwegian Polytechnic Society for an afternoon with pioneering leaders who share their insights and stories of impact, illustrating their journey from startup inception to innovation through failures and success. Following this enlightening session, engage in an interactive workshop where we dissect the common pitfalls and hurdles in implementing AI in healthcare, collectively brainstorming potential solutions.

Doors open. Light refreshments and networking


Jan Christian Vestre, Minister of Health and Care Services (Lab.)
Mette Vågnes Eriksen, Secretary Gerneral, Polyteknisk Forening

Sharmini Alagaratnam, Program Director of Healthcare reseach programme, DNV and Chair of Polytechnic Digital Leadership
Ishita Barua, Chief Medical Officer and Co-founder, Livv Health and Director of the Board of the Polytechnic Society
Camilla Stoltenberg, CEO, Norce and member of the Advisory Board of the Polytechnic Society
Ketil F. Widerberg, General Manager, Oslo Cancer Cluster and member of the Advisory Board of the Polytechnic Society
Inspirational and informative sessions, followed by an interactive workshop with all participants

End of workshop

By discussing the intersection of artificial intelligence and healthcare, the event aims to explore how AI can be leveraged to save lives and improve health outcomes. This aligns with SDG 3’s objective of promoting good health and well-being for all ages. Furthermore, by highlighting the role of startups in leveraging AI for innovation and impact in healthcare, the event supports SDG 3’s aim of promoting innovation and encouraging investment in healthcare infrastructure and research. The Norwegian Polytechnic Society is itself a pioneer for SDG 17, executing knowledge-based partnerships for sustainable technological and social development since 1852.

There will be great networking opportunities in workshops and while enjoying light refreshments.

This event is only for physical attendance.

Welcome to celebrate the 20th Anniversary for Oslo Innovation Week with the Norwegian Polytechnic Society!

Please contact the Polytechnic Sosiety Secretariat for more information!

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