Sino-Japanese Conflict and Reconciliation in the East China Sea

9. april 2014 kl. 15:00 - 17:00

Key speaker: Professor Paul Midford, Director of the Japan Program, NTNU, author of “Rethinking Japanese Public Opinion and Security: From Pacifism to Realism”.
Comments: Journalist Reidun Samuelsen, Aftenposten and Kjell Stenstadvold, former Chief Rep. Norsk Hydro, Beijing.
Moderator: Kjell Roland, Director Norfund and Chair PF Expert Group International relations.This presentation considers the rise of tensions between China and Japan in the East China Sea, especially over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands, tensions that have come to predominate in this vitally important bilateral relationship since 2010. It explores how these tensions arose in 2010, and how they have transformed both public and elite Japanese perceptions of China. This presentation considers ways for resolving these tensions through mutual concessions. To resolve the longer term conflict over these islands and the demarcation of these two countries’ respective EEZs (Exclusive economic zones), it proposes that the Svalbard model for dividing sovereignty and resource exploitation between contenting parties and the Norwegian-Russian 2010 agreement on delimiting their respective EEZ borders in the Barents Sea can serve as useful models.


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