A new world order – what are the implications for development policy?

30. april 2013 kl. 06:15 - 08:00

Third meeting in the seminar series: The Millennium Development Goals – African experiences and next steps.

(flyttet fra 9/4)

The global economic centre of gravity is shifting towards the East and South. South-South links are strengthening through increased trade, aid and foreign direct investment. Millions of people have been lifted out of poverty. However, a growing concern is how to generate enough jobs for a rapidly growing generation of educated young people. The development agenda in the South is more and more about economic growth and private sector. What do these trends imply for development and development policy? What are the implications for our thinking on the millennium development goals?

The shifting wealth is at the center of OECDs Perspectives on Global Development reports. At this seminar,Mario Pezzini, Director of OECD Development Centre, will launch OECD Perspectives on Global Development 2013 – Shifting up a gear: Industrial policies in a changing world. The report presents evidence on emerging global growth and trade trends, and on the new policies that developing countries are implementing to foster production transformation.

Comments: Svein Roald Hansen(A), Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence, and Hans Olav Syversen (KrF) Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs.

Moderator: Kjell Roland, CEO Norfund

Breakfast is served from 08.00


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