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Publisert: 16.11.2020

Leading an AI-powered organization: How to manage intelligent technology and people

20. november 2020 kl. 08:00 - 08:45

Together with our partner BI Norwegian Business School, we have the pleasure to invite you to this webinar.

Technology is a powerful force for change and improvement for individuals, businesses, and societies. Today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered by cloud computing, the Internet of Things and ubiquitous, as well as high-speed mobile connectivity are redefining business models and even the nature of work and leadership. Intelligent technologies allow large-scale automation of routine work and mass customization of products and services. They also enable an explosion in the capacity to collect and process real-time data. The result is a major shift in the mix of task humans perform in organizations-towards more complex, non-routine work- as well as lowering the cost of experimentation and enabling machine augmentation of human capabilities.

Meet our distinguished panelists:

  • Vegard Kolbjørnsrud; Associate Professor in Strategy, BI Norwegian Business School and Senior Research Fellow, Accenture
  • Ieva Martinkenaite; VP and Head of Analytics and AI, Telenor Research
  • Thomas F. Anglero; Nordic Director of Innovation, IBM

We will discuss:

  • What is AI and how does it affect our lives, work, and business?
  • How does AI-driven automation and augmentation challenge managers
  • What is the unique human contribution to the AI-powered organization?
  • What are potential risks from the use and development of AI at scale? And how can we solve them?
  • Do we have to change how we organize and strategize? How?
  • What is your best advice to current and aspiring leaders?

Registered participants will receive the link to log-on after registering.

Welcome to this BI webinar!

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