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Publisert: 14.04.2021

Leadership in challenging times

23. april 2021 kl. 07:00 - 08:00

Leadership is especially critical when organizations have to adapt to difficult business environments.

Usually, companies have access to plentiful resources, customers are satisfied, and opportunities might be everywhere. However, when your company faces difficult times and the economic conditions are changing the leaders have to make fundamental changes in their approach external and internal circumstances. They need to focus on survival and they need to motivate people through the downturn. Most importantly, they need to take the opportunity to regroup, rethink and renew their strategies, and to take advantage of new opportunities.

Together with our partner BI Norwegian Business School, we have the pleasure of inviting you to an interesting and motivational dialogue between Jacob Schram, CEO of Norwegian Shuttle AS and Inge Jan Henjesand, president of BI. The topics of discussion relate to challenges all leaders may cross upon difficult times. You will also get the opportunity to ask questions and comment during the live webinar.

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