Publisert: 14.10.2022

Extracting the truth about the war in Ukraine with new monitoring technologies

22. november 2022 kl. 08:30 - 09:30

Fysisk i Polyteknisk Forening og digitalt på Polyteknisk Forenings nettside.

Welcome to a discussion about NORSAR’s latest research on the application of using seismic data for active conflict zone monitoring not previously demonstrated.

Since Russia invaded Ukraine, daily media reports have shown the shocking effects of fighting and the inevitable devastation associated with war. However, getting a comprehensive and unbiased overview of the ongoing military attacks is a challenge for both the military intelligence communities and the media. What can technology bring to enhance objective reporting and provide timely and accurate data for military attacks?

You will meet:

  • Ben Dando, Head of Department, Test ban treaty verification, NORSAR
  • Sebastian Schutte, Senior Researcher, The Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
  • Rolf Skatteboe, CEO, Kongsberg Satellite Services and member of the Advisory Board of Polyteknisk Forening
  • Philippe Bédos Ulvin, Foreign Affairs Journalist, NRK
  • Moderated by Andrea Rognstrand, Editor-in-Chief (constituted), Forsvarets Forum

This is a hybrid event: you can attend physically at Norway’s Polytechnic Society or digitally on this website. Members and non-members will easily get access through registration.

Coffee and croissants will await you at 8 am.


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