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Publisert: 19.02.2015

Access to energy

18. mars 2015 kl. 07:00 - 08:30

2. møte i frokostmøteserien om «Energi til utvikling der vi vil diskutere ulike problemstillinger knyttet til energi og utvikling i Afrika

Keynotes: Ørnulf Strøm (Norad), Karina Standal (Senter for Utvikling og Miljø, UiO), m.fl.

The electricity grid typically reaches only a minority of the population in most African states. Although electrification is a political priority, often supported by donors, the costs are high for the relatively small amounts of energy consumed, and power supply is often unreliable. Are off-grid technologies a practical alternative, and are there commercial alternatives to the traditional utility model?
What are the advantages and challenges with mini-grid solutions?

We will have three brief (5 minutes) presentations, followed by an open discussion.

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