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Publisert: 18.02.2016

Professional Breakfast Meeting: The Money Smells!

20. mai 2016 kl. 06:00 - 08:30

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08:00 – 08:30:  Registrering, Frokost og Mingling
08:30 – 09:00:  Financial Risk Management for E&P companies
Karl Magnus Maribu in DNB Markets Risk Advisory presents how E&P companies are exposed to and can mitigate currency, interest rate and commodity risk
09:00 – 09:30  What’s this hype about renewables?
Einar Kilde Evensen, Head of Department, LCI Energy CAS P&R, presents his views on the overall trends in global energy markets, and how it will impact oil & gas

Praktiske opplysninger:
Påmelding innen 19. mai kl. 10:00
: 20. mai, kl. 08:00
Sted: DNB Bank ASA, Dronning Eufemias gate 30, Oslo

Eventuelle spørsmål kan rettes til Hilde S. Stafford eller Jan Erik Berre

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