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Publisert: 05.09.2016

Lunsjmøte om Maria-utbyggingen av Wintershall

25. oktober 2016 kl. 09:30 - 11:00

NPF Oslo/PF Oil would like to welcome you to our lunch meeting where Subsea Manager Maria Development, Dennis L. Dickhausen from Wintershall will present;

Maria – A story of smart solutions and cost-efficiency

The Maria field is Wintershall’s flagship development in Norway and has been an essential part of the plan to become one of the leading operators on the NCS. Discovered in 2010, the field was one of Wintershall’s first exploration successes in Norway. The project is now in the execution phase and is being developed for production in 2018. The field will be developed with two subsea templates at 300 meter water depth from where the reservoir will be linked to four existing host installations via a subsea tieback.

The presentation will be held in English. Lunch will be served.


Dennis L. Dickhausen, Subsea Manager Maria Development

Praktiske opplysninger

Sted: Lundin, Lysaker
Påmeldingsfrist: 24. oktober, kl. 10:00
Eventuelle spørsmål kan rettes til:  Anne K. Knausgård


Påmelding hos NPF


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