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Publisert: 26.01.2017

Going beyond aid: Development Cooperation for Structural Transformation

14. februar 2017 kl. 07:15 - 09:00

The successful economic transformation of countries like China
and South Korea has forced a change in the way we think about aid
and development. No longer are we restricted to the Washington
Consensus view whereby aid is developing countries accepting
policy prescriptions handed down by the World Bank and IMF.


Justin Lin, Director of Center for New Structural Economics, Peking
University. Previously Chief Economist, World Bank
Comments: Leo Grünfeld, Head of research / partner Menon

This meeting is part of the breakfast seminar series: Rising or reeling? State of the African continent in 2017

Several resource exporting African economies had a tough 2016 – and the “Africa rising” narrative is not seen as often anymore. 54 countries equal 54 different trajectories.

In this breakfast meeting series the Norwegian Polytechnic Society, Norfund and the Norwegian-African Business Association (NABA) will try to give a continental outlook – going beyond the headlines.

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