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Publisert: 05.01.2021

Doggerbank: Verdens største havvindpark

26. januar 2021 kl. 11:00 - 12:00

Dogger Bank Wind Farm is the world’s largest offshore wind farm in construction, and will be capable of generating enough electricity to power around 5 million homes when it becomes fully operational in 2026. Pioneering new technology, the project will be the first in the world to use GE’s 13MW Haliade-X turbines, the most powerful turbine in operation today, and will also be the first High Voltage DC connected wind farm in the UK. Equinor will be the operator of the wind farm, from a new base at the Port of Tyne in the North of England, creating around 200 long-term jobs.

Hear from Equinor’s Dogger Bank project director Halfdan Brustad on the significance of this project to Equinor’s growing renewable energy ambitions, and how through scale, innovation and digitalisation this project will drive forward further growth for the global offshore wind industry.

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