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Publisert: 05.08.2019

Norway’s role in the European gas supply

17. oktober 2019 kl. 09:00 - 12:00

PF Olje/ NPF Oslo is pleased to invite you to our gas lunch seminar at Engineerium.

In the years ahead of us, the European energy market will be further impacted by energy efficiency measures, decarbonisation and the changing nature of electricity generation. Through this seminar we want to focus on and draw attention to Norway’s important role in European gas supply, and how the Norwegian gas energy can continue to contribute in a transition phase to renewable energy.


  • 11.00 Lunch & Registration
  • 11.50 Welcome remark
  • 12.00 Norwegian Gas as energy contribution into a transition phase in Europe, Sverre Olden Mala, Equinor
  • 12.30 The future for Norwegian gas, Frode Leversund, Gassco
  • 13.00 The Baltic Pipe project from the shipper perspective, Marek Woszczyk, PGNiG
  • 13.30 Nord Stream 1 – building trust between parties from different business cultures, Gunn Stirling, SVP & Project Manager Nord Stream 1, DNV GL

Registration via NPF Oslo.

The seminar is free of charge for members of PF Olje/ NPF Oslo. Non-members pay a fee of NOK 200 upon registration.

Become a member of PF Olje/ NPF Oslo.

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